package documentation

This is the module at the heart of LyProX.

It defines the settings that Django uses for the website and ties together all the functionality that is provided by the patients and dataexplorer apps.

For a motivation of why we implemented this web app and an overview over the entire orject, head over to the repository.

Package accounts No package docstring; 2/8 modules, 0/2 package documented
Package dataexplorer The app dashboard manages the querying and displaying of lymphatic progression patterns under the "Data Explorer" tab on LyProX.
Module manage Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks.
Package patients The patients app manages the database and its access. It allows the user to create, edit and delete new entries in the database and ensures that it is always consistent.
Package riskpredictor Django app for computing the risk of a particular involvement pattern, given a personalized diagnosis.
Module settings Django settings module that defines important configurations. For an explanation of all the listed values, see the official Django documentation.
Package templatetags Undocumented
Module urls LyProX' URL configuration. This defines the view for the landing page, the URLs for downloads and media and the maintenance page. Otherwise it basically calls the URL configuration from the other apps, ...
Module views Define the home view and a maintenance view.
Module wsgi Undocumented
Module _version Undocumented