
During my undergraduate studies, I was interested in theoretical physics and hence ac­quired a broad set of mathematical and numerical skills. Then I became fascinated with modern inference and machine learning methods, which I used to estimate parameters from gravitational wave signals during my master studies. Knowledge about these widely applicable tools allowed me to switch to medical physics in Prof. Unkelbach's group afterwards. Here, I am moti­vated by the potential impact of working to improve cancer therapy, as well as the statis­tical challenges that arise from real clinical data.


Dr. sc. nat in Physics 2019 - 2022
University of Zurich Zurich, Switzerland
Modelling Lymphatic Metastatic Progression in Head and Neck Cancer
Supervisor: Prof. Jan Unkelbach

MSc in Physics (1.3) 2017 - 2019
University of Tübingen Tübingen, Germany
Wavelet Analysis of Neutron Star Ringdowns via MCMC
Supervisor: Prof. Kostas Kokkotas

Exchange Semester 08/2015 - 02/2016
National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan

BSc in Physics (1.9) 2012 - 2017
University of Tübingen Tübingen, Germany
Modelling Attraction in Colloidal Suspensions via Ideal Polymers
Supervisor: Prof. Roland Roth

Abitur (1.5) 2012
Eduard-Spranger-Gymnasium Filderstadt, Germany


PostDoc 03/2023 - Present
University of Zurich Zurich, Switzerland
Research on a project to personalize the elective clinical target volume definition in radiotherapy for head and neck cancer patients. This in­cludes collecting, sharing, and visualizing data on lymphatic involve­ment patterns of head and neck cancer patients (see LyProX for more information), as well as using the data to build probabilisitc models to predict lymphatic tumor progression.

Research Assistant 11/2017 - 07/2019
Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen, Germany
Development, improvement and upkeep of soft- and hardware of a swarm of mi­cro aerial vehicles (MAVs) cooperatively performing localisation and deep learn­ing based motion cap­turing of persons or animals.

Intern Automotive Aftermarket 04/2017 - 07/2017
Robert Bosch GmbH Plochingen, Germany
Design, set-up and evaluation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) ca­libration prototypes in an international team of engineers.


R. Ludwig, A. Schubert, D. Barbatei, L. Bauwens, J. Hoffmann, S. Werlen, O. Elicin, M. Dettmer, P. Zrounba, B. Pouymayou, P. Balermpas, V. Grégoire, R. Giger, J. Unkelbach, Modelling the lymphatic metastatic progression pathways of OPSCC from multi-institutional datasets Scientific Reports (2024)

R. Ludwig, A. Schubert, D. Barbatei, L. Bauwens, J. Hoffmann, S. Werlen, O. Elicin, M. Dettmer, P. Zrounba, B. Pouymayou, P. Balermpas, V. Grégoire, R. Giger, J. Unkelbach, A multi-centric dataset on patient-individual pathological lymph node involvement in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Data in Brief (2024)

R. Ludwig, J. Hoffmann, B. Pouymayou, G. Morand, M. Broglie Däppen, M. Guckenberger, V. Gregoire, P. Belermpas, J. Unkelback, A dataset on patient-individual lymph node involvement in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma Data in Brief (2022)

R. Ludwig, J. Hoffmann, B. Pouymayou, G. Morand, M. Broglie Däppen, M. Guckenberger, V. Gregoire, P. Belermpas, J. Unkelback, Detailed patient-individual reporting of lymph node involvement in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with an online interface Radiotherapy and Oncology (2022)

R. Ludwig, B. Pouymayou, P. Balermpas, J. Unkelbach, A hidden Markov model for lymphatic tumor progression in the head and neck Scientific Reports (2021)

M. Mayinger,R. Ludwig, S. Christ, R. Dal Bello, A. Ryu, N. Weitkamp, M. Pavic, H. Schüler, L. Wilke, M. Guckenberger, Benefit of replanning in MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy in the treat­ment of liver metastasis Radiation Oncology (2021)

J. Unkelbach, T. Bortfeld, C. Cardenas, V. Gregoire, W. Hager, B. Heijmen, R. Jeraj, S. Korreman,R. Ludwig, B. Pouymayou, The role of computational methods for automating and improving clinical target volume definition Radiotherapy and Oncology (2020)

R. Tallamraju, E. Price,R. Ludwig, K. Karlapalem, H. Bülthoff, M. Black, A. Ahmad, Active perception based formation control for multiple aer­ial vehicles IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2019)

E. Price, G. Lawless,R. Ludwig, I. Martinovic, H. Bülthoff, M. Black, A. Ahmad, Deep neural network-based cooperative visual tracking through multiple micro aer­ial vehicles IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2018)