class documentation

class DatasetForm(FormLoggerMixin, forms.ModelForm):

View In Hierarchy

Form to create and edit datasets, based on their model definition.

Class Meta The underlying model.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method clean Insert current user's institution into the form's cleaned data.
Method save Get institution from user and import uploaded CSV file into database. Then lock the dataset.
Class Variable auto_determined_fields Fields that are not shown to the user but are automatically determined.
Class Variable git_repo_url The URL of the GitHub repository that contains the data.
Instance Variable user Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):


def clean(self):

Insert current user's institution into the form's cleaned data.

Dict[str, Any]Undocumented
def save(self, commit=True):

Get institution from user and import uploaded CSV file into database. Then lock the dataset.

auto_determined_fields: list[str] =

Fields that are not shown to the user but are automatically determined.

git_repo_url =

The URL of the GitHub repository that contains the data.

user =
