package documentation

The app dashboard manages the querying and displaying of lymphatic progression patterns under the "Data Explorer" tab on LyProX.

It defines a relatively complex form for the dashboards interface and implements some functions that pull the information requested via that form from the database in an efficient manner.

Module forms The dataexplorer.forms module defines the relatively complex form that is used for querying the database later.
Module query Module for translating the user input into a database query. It retrieves the information of interest and returns it in a format that can then be put into the response of the server.
Module urls Define the two URLs within the dashboard app (reachable via Those are the dashboard itself of course, but also the help menu explaining how to use the former.
Module views The views module in the dataexplorer app mostly handles the DashboardView, which takes care of initializing the complex forms.DashboardForm, passing the cleaned values to all the filtering functions in the ...