package documentation

Django app for computing the risk of a particular involvement pattern, given a personalized diagnosis.

This prediction is based on the probabilistic hidden Markov model we developed to model lymphatic metastatic progression in head and neck cancer [1].

The underlying code to compute the risks lives in the GitHub repository lymph and can be installed from PyPI

[1]R. Ludwig, B. Pouymayou, P. Balermpas, and J. Unkelbach, "A hidden Markov model for lymphatic tumor progression in the head and neck", Sci Rep, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 12261, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91544-1.
Module admin Undocumented
Module apps Undocumented
Module forms This module contains the forms used in the riskpredictor app.
Package migrations Undocumented
Module models The model InferenceResult holds an upload of parameter samples that were produced during an inference run of the lymph-model. The samples should be fetched from the DVC remote storage and used to compute the prior risk matrices.
Module predict Module for functions to predict the risk of lymphatic progression.
Module tests Undocumented
Module urls URLs related to the riskpredictor prediction app under Like the dashboard, this includes a dashboard and a help page.
Module views Module for the views of the riskpredictor app.