package documentation
Django app for computing the risk of a particular involvement pattern, given a personalized diagnosis.
This prediction is based on the probabilistic hidden Markov model we developed to model lymphatic metastatic progression in head and neck cancer [1].
The underlying code to compute the risks lives in the GitHub repository lymph and can be installed from PyPI
[1] | R. Ludwig, B. Pouymayou, P. Balermpas, and J. Unkelbach, "A hidden Markov model for lymphatic tumor progression in the head and neck", Sci Rep, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 12261, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91544-1. |
Module | admin |
Undocumented |
Module | apps |
Undocumented |
Module | forms |
This module contains the forms used in the riskpredictor app. |
Package | migrations |
Undocumented |
Module | models |
The model InferenceResult holds an upload of parameter samples that were produced during an inference run of the lymph-model. The samples should be fetched from the DVC remote storage and used to compute the prior risk matrices. |
Module | predict |
Module for functions to predict the risk of lymphatic progression. |
Module | tests |
Undocumented |
Module | urls |
URLs related to the riskpredictor prediction app under Like the dashboard , this includes a dashboard and a help page. |
Module | views |
Module for the views of the riskpredictor app. |