class documentation

Model describing the diagnosis of one side of a patient's neck with regard to their lymphaitc metastatic involvement.

Class MetaModality Meta class for providing the classmethod attributes to the Modalities class similar to what Django's enum types have.
Class Modalities Class that aims to replicate the functionality of TextChoices from Django's enum types, but with the added functionality of storing the sensitivity & specificity of the respective modality.
Method __str__ Report some info for admin view.
Method save Make sure LNLs and their sublevels (e.g. 'a' and 'b') are treated consistelntly. E.g. when sublevel Ia is reported to be involved, the involvement status of level I cannot be reported as healthy.
Class Variable diagnose_date Undocumented
Class Variable LNLs List of implemented lymph node levels. When the models module is imported, a simple for-loop creates additional fields for the Diagnose class for each of the elements in this list.
Class Variable modality The diagnostic modality that was used to reach the diagnosis.
Class Variable patient This defines the connection to the Patient model.
Class Variable side Undocumented
Instance Variable I Undocumented
Instance Variable II Undocumented
Instance Variable V Undocumented

Inherited from LockedDatasetMixin:

Method delete Raise LockedDatasetError befor deleting if associated dataset is locked.
Property _must_raise Infer from class if an error should be raised on save/delete.
def __str__(self):

Report some info for admin view.

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

Make sure LNLs and their sublevels (e.g. 'a' and 'b') are treated consistelntly. E.g. when sublevel Ia is reported to be involved, the involvement status of level I cannot be reported as healthy.

Also, if all LNLs are reported as unknown (None), just delete it.

diagnose_date =


LNLs: list[str] =

List of implemented lymph node levels. When the models module is imported, a simple for-loop creates additional fields for the Diagnose class for each of the elements in this list.

modality =

The diagnostic modality that was used to reach the diagnosis.

patient =

This defines the connection to the Patient model.

side =


I: bool =


II: bool =


V: bool =
