module documentation

This module defines how patient related models work and how they interact with each other. Currently, four models are implemented: The Dataset, Patient, Tumor and the Diagnose. A Dataset groups Patient entries and associates them with an Institution, while also providing methods for importing and exporting from and to CSV file.

A Patient holds demographic and relational information about each recorded patient. The respective entry can have multiple Tumor and Diagnose entries associated with it, which is defined by the django.db.models.ForeignKey attribute in the Tumor and Diagnose class.

There are also custom methods implemented, making sure that e.g. the diagnosis of a sublevel (lets say Ia) is consistent with the diagnosis of the respective superlevel (in that case I).

Class Dataset A collection of patients, usually importet from a CSV file in a GitHub repo.
Class Diagnose Model describing the diagnosis of one side of a patient's neck with regard to their lymphaitc metastatic involvement.
Class Patient The representation of a patient in the database.
Class Tumor Model to describe a patient's tumor in detail.
Exception CorruptedDatasetError Raised when there is reason to believe that the dataset is corrupted.
Exception LockedDatasetError Raised when a Dataset or an associated entry was tried to be edited.
Variable logger Undocumented
Variable Mod Undocumented
logger =


Mod =
