module documentation

Here, the generic views from django.views.generic are implemented for the patients.models.

A view handles the actual rendering of the HTML template that needs to be filled with what the python backend computes/generates.

It includes views for creating, editing, deleting and listing the models in the patients app.

Class CreateDatasetView Create a dataset from a form.
Class CreateDiagnoseView Add a diagnose for a patient's lymphatic system.
Class CreatePatientView View used to create a new patient entry in the database.
Class CreateTumorView Create a tumor and add it to a given patient.
Class DatasetListView View that displays all datasets in a list.
Class DatasetView View that serves the respective Dataset CSV file.
Class DeleteDatasetView Remove this dataset from the database, and all associated patients with it.
Class DeleteDiagnoseView Remove a particular diagnose frm a patient's entry.
Class DeletePatientView Remove this patient from the database.
Class DeleteTumorView Delete a patient's tumor.
Class PatientDetailView Show details of a particular patient.
Class PatientListView Renders a list of all patients in the database showing basic information and links to the individual entries. Depending from where this view is called, the list is filterable.
Class UpdateDiagnoseView Change a patient's diagnose.
Class UpdatePatientView Update a given patient's information.
Class UpdateTumorView Update specifics of a patient's tumor.
Variable logger Undocumented
logger =
