class documentation

class DeleteTumorView(ViewLoggerMixin, LoginRequiredMixin, InstitutionCheckObjectMixin, generic.DeleteView):

View In Hierarchy

Delete a patient's tumor.

Method get_context_data Add this tumor's patient, the patient's tumor and diagnoses, as well as the currently performed action to the context dictionary.
Method get_object Get tumor by PK.
Method get_success_url After successfully updating the tumor, redirect to patient's detail view.
Class Variable action Undocumented
Class Variable template_name Undocumented

Inherited from InstitutionCheckObjectMixin (via ViewLoggerMixin):

Method test_func Undocumented
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

Add this tumor's patient, the patient's tumor and diagnoses, as well as the currently performed action to the context dictionary.

Dict[str, Any]Undocumented
def get_object(self):

Get tumor by PK.

def get_success_url(self):

After successfully updating the tumor, redirect to patient's detail view.

action: str =


template_name: str =
